Wednesday 4 May 2011

This was a great learning curve for me on technology as we were assigned to extend children’s learning on technology using blog. While on the blog journey I found some challenges. The first challenges for me was creating blog as before this course I had no idea what a blog was. I was very worried and confused what to do, and how I will get through this blog assignment. I think I was the last person in the class to blog. I overcame this confusion after the discussion we had in the class which made my understanding about blogs much easier.
I really appreciate the support which I received from my lecturer and my classmates to start my blog. This was a great learning opportunity for me about the technology. From this blogging assignment I have learnt that by involving children in technology we both learn a great deal of new things together. “Teaching is a process of becoming that continues throughout life, never completely achieved, never completely denied. This is the challenge and the fun of being a teacher there is no ultimate end to the process” (Tyminski, 2006).

Form Blogging assignment I have also learnt about cyber safety, advantages and disadvantages of using social net work. I have learnt that how useful technology is for children and parents, especially for working parents.  For example some parents do not have time to talk to the teachers when they drop their children at the centre but they can always receive emails and some of the centres do blogging as well.

The feedback which I have got from my classmates on my blog was very encouraging. After receiving the feedback I have learnt that my blog has helped my classmates. As some of the technology which I have used to extent children’s learning was new to them. I also have learnt new ideas to extend children’s learning on technology by going through different people’s blog which I never knew can be used as technology.  I really like the blogging idea as we share our unique ideas even though it was bit challenging at the beginning. It is incredible how a small thing which we never thought can make a significant difference in our learning.
Technology is having an impact on every aspect of modern life and has integrated our lives on the most basic levels, often without us even being aware of it. For example, most appliances and tools we use daily. Computers control our telephone routing and the engines in our cars. Washing machines can decide when our dishes and clothes are clean. As we enter the new millennium; we face many uncertainties as the world is changing rapidly, often making it difficult for us to keep up (Druin, 2009).

After doing this assignment I believe it is time to integrate technology into the educational settings since skilful use of technology supports the development of children that are essential to success in our rapidly changing world. As an early childhood teacher I have learnt that I have a critical role to play in ensuring that children benefit from technology. As well as practical application of technology benefit children’s lives in valuable ways. Technology allows teachers to better serve the diverse learning styles of children and educate them for a wider range of intelligence.

Children need to be encouraged in learning about technology but they need to be interested in the first place. Their interest relies on the teachers. For example is the technology appropriate, accessible, being used in an appropriate context, is it being modelled by teachers and peers. According to Te Whāriki, He Whaariki Mātauranga mo nga Mokopuna o Aotearoa (Ministry of Education, 1996) “these experiences enrich children’s lives and provide them with the knowledge; skills and dispositions they need to tackle new challenges” (MOE, p. 98).
It is amazing what children can do with technology if introduced to them. In today’s life technology is growing so fast and if we do not involve and give children opportunity to play and freely explore technology they will be left behind and will find hard to manage later on in their studies. The technology allows children to respond and represent learning in individual ways, and provides a window on their thinking ((Druin, 2009).
Technology has a huge contribution on children’s learning and development. Children benefit extremely using technology as it is so powerful. Through technology children extend their knowledge and understanding of the world in the broadest sense of communication, language and literacy, problem solving, reasoning and numeracy. Language and literacy development are major strengths of technology use with children. Children’s learning with technology goes beyond developing skills such as hand–eye coordination, self-esteem, confidence and it supports independence. It also has potential for promoting pleasure in learning by enhancing engagement, motivation and the desire to learn (Plowman, 2006).


Druin. (2009). Mobile technology for children: designing for interaction and learning. Unites States of America: Morgan Kaufman.
Ministry of Education. (1996). Te Whāriki: He whāriki mātauranga mo nga mokopuna o Aotearoa . Wellington, New Zealand: Learning Media.

Plowman. (2006). Supporting learning with ICT in pre-school settings. Retrieved April 19, 2011, from Online:  http://

Tyminski, C. (2006). Becoming a professional. In your early childhood practicum and student teaching experience: Guidelines for success. (pp 19-36). New Jersey: Personal Education Inc

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